yeah, there are things i *should* be doing…but i’m not. HAH!! instead i’m making desktop pictures for my jetta. cuz i loves her.
that one kinda sucks, and ionly used like, one filter on it…but i was just getting started. alas…
and i’m not doing things i should be doing. i am waisting time:
My inner child is six years old!
Look what I can do! I can walk, I can run, I can read! I like to do stuff, and there’s a whole
big world out there to do it in. Just so long
as I can take my blankie and my Mommy and my three best friends with me, of course.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
so true…
i’m so wasting time/torturing myself… (courtesy of ivillage)
You’re Looking for Mr. Right Now (17-23 points)
Well, there’s good news and there’s bad news. The good news is this: You’re halfway there! It probably wasn’t pretty, but you’ve gotten through most of the messy stuff by now. Now for the bad news: Even though you’re no longer going through the tissues on a box-a-day basis, you’ve still got some healing to do. Our best advice is to take it easy, take it slow and trust yourself to work through it. One word of warning, though: While a red-hot rebound man might show you a good (and well-deserved) night out, he truly can’t cure your ailing heart. Ditto for anyone named Jack Daniels — trust us!
You’re lonely, but you’ll get over it
We feel for you, we really do — sometimes it’s tough to be a single gal in this couples’ world. But that’s not a good enough reason to make yourself miserable over the end of a relationship that is better off over. Plain and simple, if your relationship was meant to be, you’d still be together. Take some time to focus on the reasons you two called it quits instead of daydreaming about the great times you had together (do yourself a favor — file those sweet thoughts under ”nice memories” in your memory bank and stash the file out of reach for now). Then, as soon as you can, try to get this guy out of your head — you have far better things to think about, like your friends, your hobbies, your career, not to mention the next man in your life.
meh…screw you ivillage!