…19 days until i make a complete and utter fool of myself. and i still don’t know the race route for certain. and outdoor running kind of baffles me at this point, though i do have an ipod holder-thingie (i’ve lost the word for it) en route…but i’m still not sure what i should do race day. my keys? T pass? etc.? wtf? scooter says i should get a fanny pack — belt of the gods, says robbie roadsteamer — but um…ugh. also, no matter how much i go to the gym, it doesn’t seem to be making a difference. in fact, i may have gained weight in the last 3-4 weeks. shit shit shit. yeah, 3.1 miles isn’t much, but still…i’m bound to be last i fear, unless they let retards or cripples run too. the bottom line is, i’m completely freaked about this. race day draws nigh…
in other news, merely 23 days till nick gets here. yay! that’s a much better countdown, ya heard.