but tim duncan is still basically my favorite basketball crush.
mine :
but tim duncan is still basically my favorite basketball crush.
sabrina…oh man, i love you so much. so, so much. there are not words at this moment… thank you thank you thank you. you are a fucking godsend. you are my hero forever right now.
one hurdle down…about 87 million more to go.
post-pleadings for his trial, saddam hussein apparently got into a brawl with his guards. and, you know, this is exactly the kid of shit that is going to totally get my ass fired some day, but: look at him! looooook aaaat heeeeem, heeee’s soooo cuuuuuuteeee! like an ol’ scruffy puppy or something. sure, sure, perhaps this scruffy puppy ruled with an iron fist (and a jaunty beret) back in his heyday, but honestly…he’s just a lil old man, now. he doesn’t have anyone to oppress or whatever anymore, so maybe they should just let him quietly spend out the rest of his days with his quran and his bag of doritos.
i mean, gw bush has never, never ever looked even the slightest bit non-offensive; no where any way close to remotely adoreable. adorable is a mere dot on the horizon of a dot on the horizon in regards to the ol’ stupid monkeyface. and the trial proceedings/updates that filter out into mass media don’t necessarily paint saddam in a bad light. of course, media is anything but biased these days, but whatever.
this, however, gives me pause:
Saddam was ousted after U.S.-led forces swept into Iraq in March 2003 and marched in to Baghdad. He fled the capital and was on the run for nearly eight months until American forces found in him hiding in a cellar in a rural area outside his hometown of Tikrit north of Baghdad on Dec. 13, 2003.
has it really been nearly two years? really and truly? over two years since america weaseled its way in and “heroically” saved poor, destitute iraq (and it’s poor, destitute oil reserves) from the tyrannical reign of saddam?
in the midst of slowly succumbing to the cold that has been threatening to firmly ensconce me in it’s wily clutches, somehow i managed to drag my ass home from the gym and get showered/presentable enough(kinda) in time to head to Great Scott’s with the boy. where we would meet up with the shirley and see Youth Group.
it was so much fun, even though i was utterly wrecked and falling fast off of a benadryl dosing mistake, live music, a dimly lit bar, loud speakers & crisp fall air. wonderful. i missed this a bit. i missed going out randomly on weekdays — and ok, i didn’t get drunk because i already felt like crap — and just rockin’ out to good music. i know, i know, i’m going to unholy concerts lately — in fact, norah scored free tix to see franz ferdinand last saturday and that was rocktacular, so add another one to the tally — but…random band playing in a dirty ol’ bar, or a famous band at a giant venue…well, those are two mighty different beasts right there. and i love them both. which is probably why i’ve been antsy to convince the consumers they need to play again. because i miss it. and i miss them. bastards.
mommy and daddy opened, and we caught their last few songs. and they were just…so good. in fact, they somewhat reminded me of my favorite local band (see above) in their setup. they sufficiently rocked and were hella nice. which of course means i have their CD, because i do want to hear more. i don’t care for their name too terribly much, but they do have a bit of a radio 4, !!!, rapture thing going on. and they were pretty high energy. fun stuff.
youth group apparently opened for death cab for cutie the night before, so it was a double-header for them. they’re from australia and have a lead singer who really reminds me of napoleon dynamite — you know, if he lost his glasses and dyed his hair brown. so fun! oh, and do i ever have major guitar-lust for their guitars. they had a whole rack of absolutely gorgeous fenders, with various guitar-switches during their set. and i really liked a good deal of their songs. they had clever lyrics, and a rhythm to back it up.
all in all, a super-fun night. plus i have some new bands to look up, listen to and obsess over. because lord knows you can never have too much music. unless of course, you’re britney spears and then you should spend the rest of your life cloistered in shame for what you’ve inflicted upon the public. same goes for any of the simpson sisters. and celine dion.
and looming on the horizon of this weekend:
broken social scene
tonight scooter and i randomly ended up on a tangent about the dreaded M-word. something about the froufy girls that actually obsess over this wretchedly horrifying event, and thus make it all the more horrifying. i have never been one of those girls. the handful of times someone has dared to ask if i ever draped a pillowcase over my head and acted out my dream gagweddinggag when i was a little girl, they have been met with either a blank stare (what the bloody fuck?) or absolute disgust. what i want to know, though, are there actually people out there that did crap like that? i don’t think i can even fathom that one. it’s just so…weird.
this is entirely scooter’s fault (again)…
but upon seeing this, she decided she had to inflict this upon me. which is quite possibly one of the most disturbingly hilarious videos i have ever watched. even more so, is that there’s a whole MIT web page devoted to the musical phenomenon. which also features a link to the animated yatta movie. mother of god…my spleen!
oh god, i can’t watch it anymore or i’m liable to injure something laughing.
but tim duncan is still basically my favorite basketball crush.
posted in sporty | 2 Comments »
a concert and then a party, oh man…hello SATURDAY!!!
posted in glee | No Comments »
sabrina…oh man, i love you so much. so, so much. there are not words at this moment… thank you thank you thank you. you are a fucking godsend. you are my hero forever right now. one hurdle down…about 87 million more to go.
posted in mehz0rz | No Comments »
post-pleadings for his trial, saddam hussein apparently got into a brawl with his guards. and, you know, this is exactly the kid of shit that is going to totally get my ass fired some day, but: look at him! looooook aaaat heeeeem, heeee’s soooo cuuuuuuteeee! like an ol’ scruffy puppy or something. sure, sure, perhaps […]
posted in teh wurld | No Comments »
in the midst of slowly succumbing to the cold that has been threatening to firmly ensconce me in it’s wily clutches, somehow i managed to drag my ass home from the gym and get showered/presentable enough(kinda) in time to head to Great Scott’s with the boy. where we would meet up with the shirley and […]
posted in music | No Comments »
tonight scooter and i randomly ended up on a tangent about the dreaded M-word. something about the froufy girls that actually obsess over this wretchedly horrifying event, and thus make it all the more horrifying. i have never been one of those girls. the handful of times someone has dared to ask if i ever […]
posted in blahblahblah | 2 Comments »
this is entirely scooter’s fault (again)… but upon seeing this, she decided she had to inflict this upon me. which is quite possibly one of the most disturbingly hilarious videos i have ever watched. even more so, is that there’s a whole MIT web page devoted to the musical phenomenon. which also features a link […]
posted in amuserings & musings | No Comments »