there is a war in iraq right now, in case you didn’t know. it has been going on for seven long years. although, technically, you could reason that it’s been going on for far longer and that this is just a tragic culmination. the ignorant son finishing what the inept father could not.
there is a recession going on right now, and the financial backbone of the country is strained straining…broken. nobody has job security anymore, and the future is woefully uncertain. more so even than it has been in a very long time.
there are people starving and sick and suffering and dying the world over, and right within our own borders. in haiti men, women and children have nothing to eat but bitter dirt and tears. in the midwest school children can’t even afford the cost of meager hot lunches (in many cases, the only meal they get of the day), because their families are too poor and the costs of everything steadily rises.
everywhere you look there is pain and suffering and hope dwindles day by day…but if you look to the white house, you see our nation’s leader…
mine :