so, normally i would not be so excited about such things, but honestly? i’m pretty stoked about the upcoming wedding festivities next month. odd, right?
but when you think about it, a lot of it is not your general wedding fuckery, so it’s going to be great:
- paintball war bachelor party
- most awesome best man outfit known to humanity (i will also have a fancy hat)
- found a hat that is snazzy and will cover gravy’s ginormous, planetoid headmeats
- found super snazzy shoes that will save me from having to hem my suit pants (bonus: i can actually walk in them!)
- after wedding zombie party in downtown csprings, fuck yeah!
plus, we have a super awesome room in the cutest b&b right in manitou, and i’m super excited about that as well.
next month may shape up to be pretty awesome, here’s hoping i can survive until then!