At the new job. I have my very own desk. Just met two coworkers, this all seems so surreal.
Traffic was ok, better than expected, and I was actually super early.
I hope the rest of the day goes well, I’m still super nervous.
mine :
At the new job. I have my very own desk. Just met two coworkers, this all seems so surreal.
Traffic was ok, better than expected, and I was actually super early.
I hope the rest of the day goes well, I’m still super nervous.
today was pretty much a bust, or rather, saturday was. so tired from the long week, barely had any time to get a handful of errands done and then passed out for the rest of the day.
utterly shameful. ugh.
i had the longest week ever at my job. and there still wasn’t enough time to get everything done. i keep having mini panic attacks about things that i did not get finished that will totally bite me in the ass later. or that i will get in trouble over.
i can’t stop thinking about it.
all i want is to be free, but i feel like i never will, you know?
it’s super duper frustrating. on top of the fact that i have to get used to a new schedule and a new life and i really haven’t given myself any time for it, you know?
i know it’s all “new year, new job”, but really i just feel overwhelmed and super fucking scared. like…
i quit my job.
i quit. i quit it, and i’ve never NOT had this job. i don’t know what the hell i’m doing anymore, but i hope it’s the right thing.
our kitties are beyond healthy. plus, i think i found the best new vet ever, without having to change facilities. that’s key. the new doctor is super nice, friendly, capable and very good with our kitties.
nacho saw her about two weeks ago, and of course got the standard gushing, but it wasn’t grating on my nerves. plus, he got a clean bill of health with regards to his eating habits, weight and urinary issues. big huge relief.
lola saw the doctor today, not only has the diet worked (lola’s back down to her fighting weight), but the doctor proclaimed her the perfect kitty.
cuz, she fuckin’ is.
lola is the tits.
and you know, all i ever really want is for the kitties to be happy and healthy, even if they are kind of fuzzy assholes allhalf of the time. hooray for proper pet care!
i am the proud new owner of this badboy:
now, i must stock it with nips and keep it at my bedside (always) so i don’t even have to leave my room to get drunk!
did i need this? well, only in my mind. but oh my god how awesome is it!? SO AWESOME!
i only have to survive two more days…
and then it’s over. i do feel a bit like it will never be over, but there is totally a light at the end of the tunnel.
It’s weird, it’s the beginning of the new year, beginning of a new job…but it’s also the end of an era.
I only have a few days left at my job, and I do feel a bit sad that I didn’t make it the full 8 years, but also happy that I did not make it the full EIGHT YEARS. Could you imagine? Yuck.
I’m way nervous about the year ahead, but hopeful. That’s something I haven’t felt in a long time. It’s nice.
At the new job. I have my very own desk. Just met two coworkers, this all seems so surreal. Traffic was ok, better than expected, and I was actually super early. I hope the rest of the day goes well, I’m still super nervous.
posted in blahblahblah | No Comments »
today was pretty much a bust, or rather, saturday was. so tired from the long week, barely had any time to get a handful of errands done and then passed out for the rest of the day. utterly shameful. ugh. i had the longest week ever at my job. and there still wasn’t enough time […]
posted in blahblahblah | No Comments »
our kitties are beyond healthy. plus, i think i found the best new vet ever, without having to change facilities. that’s key. the new doctor is super nice, friendly, capable and very good with our kitties. nacho saw her about two weeks ago, and of course got the standard gushing, but it wasn’t grating on […]
posted in blahblahblah, daily grind | No Comments »
and that…was that! (is there anything classier than a monkey-in-a-suit for a farewell letter?)
posted in blahblahblah | No Comments »
i am the proud new owner of this badboy: now, i must stock it with nips and keep it at my bedside (always) so i don’t even have to leave my room to get drunk! did i need this? well, only in my mind. but oh my god how awesome is it!? SO AWESOME!
posted in daily grind, glee | No Comments »
i only have to survive two more days… thursday friday and then it’s over. i do feel a bit like it will never be over, but there is totally a light at the end of the tunnel. two.more.days.
posted in blahblahblah | No Comments »
It’s weird, it’s the beginning of the new year, beginning of a new job…but it’s also the end of an era. I only have a few days left at my job, and I do feel a bit sad that I didn’t make it the full 8 years, but also happy that I did not make […]
posted in blahblahblah | No Comments »