has got to be the best damn thing i’ve stumbled upon in quite some time. all i want to do, all day, every day…is play this game.
i played a whole round through as the t-rex, and it was AWESOME.
mine :
has got to be the best damn thing i’ve stumbled upon in quite some time. all i want to do, all day, every day…is play this game.
i played a whole round through as the t-rex, and it was AWESOME.
dear b-line train riders,
let me start this off by saying: Hygiene Is Important. seriously, it really is. but to take it a step further, Proper Hygiene Is Important.
for example:
which brings us to my next item: deodorizers.
deodorant is your friend, boys and girls. it really is. and to a degree perfume/eau de cologne/aftershave can be too. but here’s the point i need to be clear about:
just now? standing outside the harvard ave. stop, the doors open and out wafted the most putrid smell of shitty ass cologne (is there such a brand? Shitty Ass™?). all through the first car, the smell dominated. even in the back. even overtaking the general ‘wet-dog-hobo-urine-and/or-stale-vomit’ smell that public transportation seems to have. and that? that is just fucking wrong. wrong wrong wrong. because either the person/people in question did shower/bathe/whatever and felt the need to follow-up with a second step of lolling in a vat of ass; or, the ofalctory offenders decided “who needs soap? i can just cover it up with this nifty ass cologne and no one will ever be the wiser!”. FAIL.
i suppose i’m impressed? the plague that cut me down last week is still lingering in my sinuses and i haven’t been able to smell much of anything in the last 2 weeks, but tonight T-Stench cut through. congrats, b-line passengers, that took effort. (but also makes me think that if i was smelling only a “fraction” of the T-Stench, how bad was it, really?)
but i digress, and my first point stands: hygiene = important, but make sure it’s proper hygiene, man.
as always, die in a fire!
deez nutz
so this whacked out pharmacy of completely ignorant fuckbags had decided that they won’t sell any contraception whatsoever because it conflicts with their “faith and morals”. by being judgmental asspricks they’re basically foisting their misguided “morals” on the world without a second thought. as they’ve stated “anyone who wants condoms, birth control pills or the Plan B emergency contraceptive will be turned away.”
what about women who need birth control pills for medical & health reasons that are unrelated to whether or not they’re able to have children? what about married couples? do they sell lube? do they sell fucking viagra? this is the most hypocritical and infuriatingly ignorant shit i’ve seen in a while. the idea of a “pro-life” pharmacy is so unbelievably retarded that i almost can’t believe such idiocy is real.
except, it is.
The pharmacies are emerging at a time when a variety of health-care workers are refusing to perform medical procedures they find objectionable. Fertility doctors have refused to inseminate gay women. Ambulance drivers have refused to transport patients for abortions. Anesthesiologists have refused to assist in sterilizations.
The most common, widely publicized conflicts have involved pharmacists who refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control pills, morning-after pills and other forms of contraception. They say they believe that such methods can cause what amounts to an abortion and that the contraceptives promote promiscuity, divorce, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and other societal woes. The result has been confrontations that have left women traumatized and resulted in pharmacists being fired, fined or reprimanded.
(source: pharmacy website)
it involves the public.
i swear, it’s a bad fucking sign when just the effort to get to work makes me want to throw in the towel, high tail it back home, crawl back in bed and tell everyone to fuck right off. also: it’s only monday. god, i’m about to start sounding like a fucking garfield comic in about 0.2 seconds. ugh.
anyway, trudge trudge trudge to the bus stop. normally not such a bad deal except: a.) unbelievably hot and bright sunshine, wtf, boston? and b.) windy windy windy, OH HAI ALLSTON ST., WULD U LIEK 2 SEE MAH ASS? stupid flowy skirt. stupid wind. stupid 64.
it should be pretty damn evident by now that my love for all things seth rogen is overpowering. i love him in the deepest cockles of my wee lil heart, i love him in nearly every thing he’s ever been in (because i can not yet love the things i have not seen, even though i do). so obviously, i am beyond excited for zach and miri make a porno because it combines two of my great loves: seth rogen and kevin smith movies.
it’s like hollywood took pity on me for such disastrous pieces of tripe like juno, the dark knight, catwoman, white chicks and a slew of other utterly fetid, piece of shit films and said: ‘yes, there is a god, and her name is alanis morissette and she wants you to enjoy watching movies again.’
and by god i will!
but…while i’m uber-excited for this film, and have maybe watched the ‘i’m fucking seth rogen‘ video about 18 bajillion times (ok, and maybe, maybe i have it on my ipod…possibly), i don’t get what’s so “offensive” about this poster. it’s pretty god damned dull, actually. what is it about s-e-x (or rather, the implication of) that gets everyone’s figurative (or literal) panties in a bunch?
i mean, come the fuck on, people!
there are far more insinuative ads on television every day. anyone seen the “his&hers” lube ads? what do they think the lube is for, basting a damn turkey (worst.euphemism.ever)? no it’s for fucking and the commercials clearly imply that the people are going to use the special lube expressly for fucking yet no one is up in arms. or maybe they are…but i’m too lazy to find out, cuz i don’t care. so you have that and about 100 viagra ads an hour and the man-turns-into-pig-turns-into-man-to-fuck-you trojan ads and god knows how many sexist beer commercials and this, THIS innocuous little poster for a movie that isn’t even really a porno gets banned in the US?!
how exactly did this country end up the most puritanical, conservative, fucked-in-the-head-stupid about sexuality? there’s not fucking concern for sexual and reproductive health (nay, safe sex is inappropriate and abstinence is the way! only gay men get AIDS cuz they can haz buttsechs!); there’s a disgraceful disregard for women’s sexual health and sovereignty over their own bodies; there’s an alarmingly blasé in the judicial system regarding sex crimes and assault; there’s prostitution and pornography and a high demand for various kinds of smut, yet it’s looked down upon; i can’t fucking name a politician that hasn’t had some sort of lame ass “sex scandal” and yet…and yet…sex is taboo.
i dread the day when the whole nation is a full-blown idiocracy, where the rarity is a non-pregnant teen and planned parenthood is a thing of the past, gone the way of dinosaurs and sex ed classes. oh wait…what sex ed classes?
pet peeve of the day: “ping”
i hate when people say “i’m going to ping you”, or “i just pinged him/her/it over myspace/fb/im/etc.” it’s fucking not accurate terminology and it drives my bugfuck crazy. same with calling an email address a url (note: yourmom@mail.com is NOT A FUCKING URL!)
a little background:
Ping is a computer network tool used to test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network. It works by sending ICMP “echo request†packets to the target host and listening for ICMP “echo response†replies. ping estimates the round-trip time, generally in milliseconds, and records any packet loss, and prints a statistical summary when finished.
The word ping is also frequently used as a verb or noun, where it can refer directly to the round-trip time, the act of running a ping program or measuring the round-trip time.
if you’re sending me a message from outlook, yahoo, gmail, hotmail, aol, eudora, pine — whatever! — then for the love of all things fucking holy say “i am emailing! you.” gawd…is that really so fucking hard?
if you skype/im/gchat someone, then fucking say: “i am [im-ing/messaging/chatting’] so&so.”
for fuck’s sake, it’s not that hard! you are not pinging them. you can’t send someone a ping. you.just.fucking.can’t. if it’s coming from your email address and it contains whatever trite bullshit message/picture/saying/video/porn that is swirling around in your brainmeats at the time it’s not a fucking ping. ok? it’s fucking not!
it’s fuckin’.
not fucken, ok? it’s just FUCKING NOT FUCKEN!!! GAH! and that goes for all -ing words that you drop the ‘g’ on.
etc. etc. etc.
and of course, motherfuckin’ fuckin’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
god, what the fuck is wrong with people?!?!?!
has got to be the best damn thing i’ve stumbled upon in quite some time. all i want to do, all day, every day…is play this game. i played a whole round through as the t-rex, and it was AWESOME.
posted in bitchery, filler, g33kd0m, glee | No Comments »
dear b-line train riders, let me start this off by saying: Hygiene Is Important. seriously, it really is. but to take it a step further, Proper Hygiene Is Important. for example: soap and water? they’re your friends, man. they keep you clean. same with shampoo & i dare say conditioner (it keeps the hair silky […]
posted in bitchery, daily grind | No Comments »
so this whacked out pharmacy of completely ignorant fuckbags had decided that they won’t sell any contraception whatsoever because it conflicts with their “faith and morals”. by being judgmental asspricks they’re basically foisting their misguided “morals” on the world without a second thought. as they’ve stated “anyone who wants condoms, birth control pills or the […]
posted in bitchery, teh wurld, wrath | No Comments »
it involves the public. i swear, it’s a bad fucking sign when just the effort to get to work makes me want to throw in the towel, high tail it back home, crawl back in bed and tell everyone to fuck right off. also: it’s only monday. god, i’m about to start sounding like a […]
posted in bitchery, daily grind | No Comments »
it should be pretty damn evident by now that my love for all things seth rogen is overpowering. i love him in the deepest cockles of my wee lil heart, i love him in nearly every thing he’s ever been in (because i can not yet love the things i have not seen, even though […]
posted in bitchery, movies, teh wurld | No Comments »
pet peeve of the day: “ping” i hate when people say “i’m going to ping you”, or “i just pinged him/her/it over myspace/fb/im/etc.” it’s fucking not accurate terminology and it drives my bugfuck crazy. same with calling an email address a url (note: yourmom@mail.com is NOT A FUCKING URL!) a little background: Ping is a […]
posted in bitchery, daily grind | 2 Comments »
it’s fuckin’. F-U-C-K-I-N-‘ not fucken, ok? it’s just FUCKING NOT FUCKEN!!! GAH! and that goes for all -ing words that you drop the ‘g’ on. chillin’ illin’ bangin’ drinkin’ eatin’ sleepin’ screwin’ rockin’ doin’ kickin’ etc. etc. etc. and of course, motherfuckin’ fuckin’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god, what the fuck is wrong with people?!?!?!
posted in bitchery | 1 Comment »
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