…and then some.
(i suppose this makes my complaint-free day of posting null & void)
BUT i’m just about fed up, really. so much so that it’s totally harshin’ my buzz. which is a severely punishable crime because i have had a very enjoyable series of days lately and i’m not ready to relinquish that glee. so, long story short: you suck. a lot. you only suck this much — and believe me, it is a lot — because i’ve let you get in, wander around, pull up a chair and get comfortable. but no more!
true it’s just a mild irritant…but…i mean, even hobos acknowledge your presence on the streets & such. even if it is just because they need some pocket change for da hooch…they acknowledge you.
maybe i should’ve hung out with more hobos instead. then maybe i wouldn’t feel like such a schmuck at the mere thought of you.
of course, now would be the perfect time to stop caring. because if you can’t be troubled…then…why should i?
none of this matters in the slightest