i’m not quite as much of a tomboy as i used to be as a kid. and i don’t wish i were a dude — i mean, how annoying must morning wood be every.damn.day (and you know, *not* having multiple orgasms)? sometimes it’s nice being able to get away with not wearing pants in public. and you know, living longer or whatever. wait, did i mention multiples, cuz that’s a pretty sweet deal right there. but every once in a while something goes out of its way to make me utterly loathe being a girl. so much so that i just want to scream and scream and scream and maybe kick things (or small children). ok, definitely kick small children. maybe it’s fergie’s steady erosion of the previously awesome black eyed peas — seriously, is the bitch trying to ruin them? or you know, maybe it’s just that being a girl means you get routinely hosed. and not in a good way.
ok, so maybe this sums it all up much easier than i can. i suck with teh words.