you know, the only bad thing about a three-day weekend is when the realization that you have to actually go to work the next day finally hits you. for me, ’twas about 8:00 p.m. monday night that it hit me. ugh. of course, the flip-side to that little coin of knowledge is sunday evening when you’re bouncing around full of ‘i don’t work tomorrow!!!’ glee. that’s nice.
this…not so much.
that, and it’s hotter than a crotch out. or it was. it’s finally cooling down around these parts, but that’s just cuz the evil, fiery demon sun finally disappeared. fuckin’ sun, i hate you! seriously, the new england sun is some sort of evil entity completely different from the sun anywhere else. it brings on the humidity & the blinding light of ruined sleep. it also is not useful enough to keep houseplants alive or skin from going all pasty & pale. cuz i am, yo. this is the palest i’ve been. and every year i’m out here, i just get paler. it’s a travesty, really. fuckin’ new england sun. it’s evil. and these days, i don’t even tan anymore. so…yeah, fuck the sun!
the rest of the weekend was spent gloriously drinking various concoctions and hanging with the boy. which is, as always, awesome. there was also the part where i left smears of blue everywhere, because i am a special pineapple. my natural hair color is just too boring, nature obviously messed up and i’m just trying to correct the mistake.
the first step, of course, was to strip off all the icky boring brown color. which brought forth an even ickier orange/yellow/barf color: sexytime!
the next step was sitting around for a couple of hours waiting for the goopy blue dye to seep in and take away the nasty orange. then, rinse and rinse and rinse and rinse and rinse. which really didn’t do anything other than make the tub & my hands & my ears blue as all fuck and my hair nearly pitch-black dark. ugh.
but, it actually did finally work out:
of course, it still is pretty fucking dark & such, but i like it. it shows up super blue in the light and is fun. and my ears are back to their normal color. i only had to smear blue all over my monkey pillow cases and the boy’s arm for about two nights straight to get it the way i want. cuz my hair is a near-indestructible force.
and now, i watch boxing and talk to my midget.
weekend well spent.