so…thank christ it’s friday. cuz dude…the world is tryin’ to eat me like nobody’s business. on the plus side, i have the issue of people’s magazine with johnny depp who is teh s3xxi3st man evah! um, duh.
teh h0tt!
and i hung out with jetta, and the midget is back (yay!) and i worked a full week and am not a ridiculous poor bastard anymore and start new!job on monday.
but fuckies, yo.
1. jonathon brandis died… *sniff* w.t.f. i had such a crush on him when i was a youngin’. dude. fuck. i fucking hate november! he was fucking 27 years old…
2. i hate november. i don’t even know the exact day my grampa b. passed because my parents DECIDED TO NOT FUCKING TELL ME last year because they didn’t want to ‘upset’ me. fuck. that.™ but he’s gone, and i’m sure it was the week before turkey day…man, i still will talk about him in the present tense and then i’ll fucking realize. it’s fucked up.
3. speaking of turkey day, it’s coming up. kill me now. i’m going to be 100% totally and completely fucking alone. except for jack. i’ll get a handle of jack and drink myself into an alcoholic stupor. good times. i hope to be unconscious the whole fucking time. i officially hate thanksgiving now.
4. rockstar *cries* ’nuff said.
5. aol & comcast are the tools of satan.
6. barnes & noble made me cry tonight…so. fucking. much.
you know what? fuck this.