the boy and i saw episode 3 tonight. and right when everything was coming to some sort of culmination, right when it was really getting good, right when everything that had been building up for the entire episode was coming to a head…
the credits popped up.
god damn you ron moore! damn you to hell! or damn the network or damn something, man. damn something. because after last week, i’m completely entirely spoiled. no, i take that back: after last SEASON i’m completely and entirely spoiled. lay down your burdens part 2 was 90 minutes…so was the premiere of season 3. and it’s completely ruined me for a regular hour long show.
because i know there’s like 30 more minutes of awesome we could be basking in, if only the scifi channel would let us…why won’t they let us?!?!
first thing in the show is an hour jump backwards from where it left off last week, which is like even more nerve-wracking waiting to see what happened (it’s ok it’s ok it’s ok, roslin is ok!) and then it’s just more and more buildup to a possible rescue of the humans trapped under cylon rule on new caprica.
in retrospect, precious little actually occurs in the episode. except, everyone gets a little bit more crazy. and, i love the olmos so hard. we do get the “missing scene” where a three cylon visits some random crazy oracle lady that ron moore mentioned in the podcast about last week’s episode (who apparently IS the mom from satan’s little helper). and of course, there was a lot of material to cover.
so…the crazies…
it starts with the chief going completely buggy over the fact that cally is captured, and more importantly, on the list of detainees to be executed. he really is a big ol’ protective teddy bear. awww. even if he is freshly shorn & such. (according to ron moore, the shearing of the cheif was a scheduling mixup :p)
then there’s apollo going crazy over the fact that the olmos IS going back to new caprica, come hell or high water, to bring everyone home. even roslin is slightly losing her mind a bit over the harshness of their existence and that fucking cylon hybrid baby. she should probably just let anders shoot it in the head, or maybe it will get caugth in the crossfire or something. because really, if the truth about that thing ever comes out…it is not going to be pretty. not at all.
then there’s baltar, who is the epitome of complete and utter batshit crazy, has gone from complete and utter batshit crazy to utterly despondent & depressed & also crazy. even having his number six fantasy woman in the flesh — so to speak — to do whatever kinky-ass cylon bonking he wants whenever he wants isn’t enough to keep him from realizing what a monstrous thing he’s not only taking part in, but facilitating.
even more interestingly, we have a number three cylon slowly unravelling through nightmares and suspicions about helo & the sharonwhore’s baby. this is confusing because the ORIGINAL boomerwhore has ‘resurrected’ and the boomerwhore from caprica is alive (still! ugh!) and frolicking about so…yeah…i still hope they’re all decapitated. anyway, the cylons are obviously not handling the occupation well either. three having doubts, caprica six being baltar cock-crazy, boomerwhore being an evil whore, cavil being all DESTROY ALL, and leoben being cultfreakinsane.
and i think part of it is because at the core of everything they are machines. machines based on programming and coding and there is no such thing as a perfectly random code. the cylons want to be perfect machines — at least at first according to six models & also cavils, i think — but for some reason they think being like humans would make that so. the number one flaw in that is…humans are not perfect (in the slightest) and no where near logical. i think that could be the undoing of the cylons afterall. the skinjobs (that sounds so dirty) have conflicting natures: machine nature and human nature
i don’t think the two can exist without self-destructing. or one will ultimately try to overcome the other. and it’s going to be really fucking interesting to watch how it plays out. which, makes sense when you see how many issues and disagreements there are between the different ‘factions’ of cylon models & their interactions versus the seamless operation of the centurion models.
humans are kind of fucked up one side and down the other, really. be they machine copies or the genuine article.
which brings us to ellen tigh…who is right now the most fucked up, and utterly fucked person on the show. second only to starbuck, who has had her mind completely eated. i was totally right, ellen’s days are numbered…completely. and i wouldn’t be surprised if in total disbelief and outrage and god damned heartbreak poor ol’ col. tigh goes and offs her himself. in a way, i think he’s the only one who will be able to take care of her treason because should anyone else step in to deal with ellen, he’d likely bite their head off. i’m fairly certain she will die…and probably jammer too. i wouldn’t be surprised if the chief kills jammer.
i’m not entirely sure what that will accomplish…there’s been so much loss for the fleet, they’re so broken up, and to see everyone turning against one another like that…it’s disheartening. which is probably what causes so many desperate measures to be taken.
but you see, there was ALL THIS BUILDUP all these little things that didn’t really amount to anything and now we have to wait until fucking NEXT WEEK to see what happens.