so i steal quizzes from her…w00t!
and now for a mindless, stupid quiz (courtesy of faithy)
x name four wishes you have x
[x] to figure things out with the rockstar (or figure out how to be a normal person without him)
[x] to be finally out of debt and not so financially panicked all the time
[x] to be able to visit my friends and family whenever i want
[x] courage to say whatever i want and do what i feel like without freaking out over stupid shit
x name four smells you love x
[x] vanilla
[x] the air after it rains
[x] homemade bread baking
[x] lilacs
x name four things you’re thinking about x
[x] the rockstar…*sigh*
[x] all the crap i’ve screwed up in my life, and stuff i’m bound to screw up sooner than later
[x] what the midget’s up to
[x] how much i hate the fucking holidays
x name four things you did today x
[x] scratched the hell out of my eye
[x] got a new T pass
[x] ate dinner with jetta
[x] im’d with the rockstar
x four things about your appearence x
[x] newly blue eyes
[x] newly grown out fingernails, painted copper
[x] blue ring on left ring finger
[x] monkey pjamas
x last thing you… x
[x] did: rode the #66
[x] read: book 1 of the stand
[x] watched on tv: malcom in the middle last night
x who do you want to… x
[x] kill: nobody…maim, maybe. especially the folks wearin’ broncos jerseys.
[x] hear from: do you even have to ask?
[x] look like: salma hayek…she’s fucking gorgeous
[x] be like: anyone but me right now
x the last time… x
[x] last song you heard: suga suga — baby bash
[x] last movie you saw on the big screen: tupac – resurrection
[x] last thing you had to drink: chinese tea
[x] last thing you ate: the “usual” with jetta @ yenchings
[x] last time you cried: sometime this afternoon
[x] last time you smiled: @ yenchings with jetta
[x] last time you laughed: while talkin’ to coral
[x] last time you danced: 80s night at CG with pete, becky, clara, dave & mike #5678
[x] last person you hugged: jetta
[x] last thing you said: ‘fuck a rehearsal’
[x] last person you talked to online: coral
[x] last thing you smelled: chinese food
[x] last cigarette: about 3 weeks ago
[x] last car ride: sunday on my way to DIA
[x] last good cry: well i wouldn’t call any cry good, but i certainly bawled my eyes out last night
[x] last library book checked out: christ, i don’t even remember
[x] last cuss word uttered: fuck!
[x] last phone call: (that i made) to robbie (that i got) the rockstar
[x] last shoes worn: my camel flats
[x] last crush: does the rockstar count? if not, dude on the subway today was hott
[x] last cd played: speakerboxxx/the love below
[x] last item bought: either my T pass or dinner
[x] last downloaded: audio bullies – the things
[x] last annoyance: the rockstar/my eyeball
[x] last disappointment: myself/the rockstar/the east coast
[x] last thing written: um, this?
[x] last key used: apartment key
x do you… x
[x] smoke: tried, didn’t float my boat
[x] do drugs: no
[x] sleep with a stuffie: yes…monk monk
[x] have a dream that keeps coming back: yeah
[x] believe there is life on other planets: not sure…maybe
[x] read the newspaper: occasionally the metro
[x] have any gay or lesbian friends: of course, but i just call them ‘friends’
[x] believe in miracles: sure
[x] believe it’s possible to remain faithful forever: of course…but i’m stupid
[x] consider police a friend or foe: oohhh…mixed reactions…not sure. fuck, fuck, fuck the police
[x] like the taste of alcohol: not beer, though i have been known to put down a lot of pbr & guinness…but scotch, vodka, jack…oh yeah, baby.
[x] believe in astrology: at times…not sure
[x] pray: all the time
[x] go to church: when i can…
[x] have any secrets: more than i care to talk about.
[x] have any pets: i have a piece of shit roommate, does that count?
[x] go to or plan to go to college: was, will be again *crosses fingers*
[x] have a degree: yeah
[x] wear hats: depends
[X] piercings: ears…maybe something else some day
[x] have any tattoos: sometime, possibly
[x] hate yourself: sometimes more than not
[x] wish on stars: all the time back home…you don’t see stars much out here…the sky is lonely
[x] like your handwriting: meh. i’m indifferent to it.
[x] believe in witches: not entirely sure.
[x] believe in satan: possibly, but i definitely believe in evil
[x] trust others easily: too easily, and i often get hosed
[x] like sarcasm: who me? of course not!
[x] take walks in the rain: hells yeah
[x] kiss with your eyes closed: of course
[x] sing in the shower: sometimes…