ah, sometimes justice is pretty sweet. which is to say, nearly never. because, really, when does the justice system ever actually work?
of course, i’m not sure this even counts since it is the german legal system, but still, awesome: Rumsfeld faces German legal test
i swear, the GOP could not throw rumsfeld under the bus fast enough! which is just, hilarious. even more so hilarious after you consider the fact that ol’ dubya was so adamant that rummy would be riding out the rest of his term with him. hah!
The US denies any torture has taken place at Guantanamo Bay and has defended its interrogation techniques.
Abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib was brought to world attention after soldiers’ photographs of the incidents were released and published.
Ten US soldiers have been found guilty of abuses at Baghdad’s Abu Ghraib prison. The US says they were acting without official sanction.
um…sure, what-ever! i just hope that the supreme court overturns bush’s acts against habeas corpus, because that is just a bad scene. and one retardedly demented man should not have the power to spit in the face of the geneva convention.
while i agree that progress for the future is most important, that moving on and moving forward is the best option, i do hope that all the bastards of the bush administration get what they deserve for all of their crimes against humanity.