so i’ve reformatted my ibook about 5 times in the last two days…wooo hooo!
and i have a SHITLOAD of stuff that happened on new year’s eve and what not but i can’t think of it right now…because i’m having severe issues.
and thus, stealing the web content from faithy! *smooches*
and now, on with the show:
::last times::
last car ride: 122803 — driving to DIA to fly out of east bumfuckville, CO back to good ol’ allston rock city, MA
last romantic kiss: pre-fight 4th of july, 2003. sure i’ve been kissed plenty since, recently even…but those don’t count for shit.
last cry: about 1/2 an hour ago…
last book read: harry potter & the order of the phoenix
Last drink consumed: a glass of water
last food consumed: a lemon
last crush: f’real? *shrug* christ knows…i don’t have a clue.
last tv show watched: that 70s show
last time showered: this morning
last shoes worn: my 3″ heeled ‘fuck me’ black boots
last cd played: diary — alicia keyes
last song downloaded: john mayer – comfortable *cries*
last annoyance: aside from my computer????
last disappointment: that would be 100% pineapple, f’sho
last soda drank: i don’t drink pop
last sentence written: i dunno…
last key used: the spacebar
last word spoken: ‘bye’
last sleep: last night, sometime around 3 am i finally cashed out
last chatted with: the jetta, yay!
last time in love: *cries*
last person you hugged: norah
last chair sat in: the papasan
last underwear worn: the purple lace ones
last shirt worn: porn star transformers tank top under fishnet shirt
last pants worn: uh…some random work pants
last time dancing: new year’s eve
last poster looked at: wall o’ tupac *yum*
::layer one::
Name: pineapple
Birthday: 081882
Current Location: allston rock city
Hair Color: dark dark brown
Eye Color: *sniff* due to a tragic mishap, they are once more brown
Height: 5’5″
Righty or Lefty: righty, yet i dribble left, how weird is that?
::layer two::
Your heritage:uh…i hail from colorado
The shoes you wore today: i didn’t wear shoes today, i was a lazy ass bum! w00t!
Your weakness: the rockstar
Your fears: being alone, losing people i love, failure, not being able to help people when they need it, death, heights, martha stewart…clowns like pennywise
Goal you’d like to achieve: get my ass to school and graduate come hell or high water
::layer three::
Your most overused phrase: that. is. all.
Your thoughts first waking up: blegh
Your best feature: uh…i don’t necessarily have one.
::layer four::
Pepsi or Coke: ew, neither.
McDonald’s or Burger King: um…what is the lesser of two evils here?
single or group dates: what is this “date” thing you speak of?
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: uh, i don’t particularly give a shit
Chocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLATE!!!
cappuccino or coffee: both! caffiene is my god
::layer five::
Do you…
Smoke: nah, tried it, got through two packs…it still seems like hot, dirty air to me.
Curse:hell fuckin’ yeah i do!
Sing: not really…*cringe*
Have a crush: not really…
Do you think you’ve been in love: *cries* oh yeah…
Want to go to college: no, i want to *finish* college
Want to get married: *shudder*
Believe in yourself: not these days
Get motion sickness: nope
Think you’re attractive: not even…the fact that anyone’s ever screwed me is kinda amazing (read: alcohol — helping ugly people get laid)
Think you’re a health freak: i work out, but i don’t necessarily have the best eating habits…
Get along with your parents: we have our moments
Play an instrument: saxamaphone! and i want to acquire a guitar and learn to play it
::layer six::
In the past month have you…
Drank alcohol:*ahem* it WAS just new year’s eve, people! what the fuck do you think? i started the month drunk, yo!
Smoked: nopers
Made Out: not necessarily…and that’s all i’m sayin’ about that!
Gone to the mall?: uh…like four times in the last two weeks
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: hells no!
Eaten sushi: *gag*
Been on stage: nope, but close
Gone skating: nope
Gone skinny dipping: are you fucking kidding me? NO!
Dyed your hair: my hair is too dark to dye
::layer seven::
Do you hope to be married: about as much as i hope to catch the herpes…
Numbers and Names of Children: i don’t plan on procreating
How do you want to die: uh…that’s a retarded question
Where you want to go to college: i guess harvard…since i have no choice
What do you want to be when you grow up: well i don’t ever plan on growing up!
What place out of the state would you most like to visit: italy and greece