i do NOT enjoy people trying to hook me up…or WHATEVER…behind my back or without my fucking consent…do NOT, i repeat, DO NOT fucking go ‘oh they’d be cute together’ with me as a part of that fucking equation cuz i’m tellin’ you right now, homey don’t play that.
god damn it!
i know beggars can’t be choosers and all that shit but maybe i don’t fucking want a fucking relationship right now.
maybe i know fucking enough to realize that i’m not fucking ready to try and pretend to be totally interested in and get involved with another fucking human being because my brain and all of it’s fucking issues are so scrambled the fuck up that just getting through day-to-day stuff on my own by my fucking self is a good enough fucking accomplishment, damnit!
i know i’m being a wenchy bitch sometimes when i get totally ‘meh’ over a dude, but at least i know enough to realize that another relationship is the LAST FUCKING THING ON EARTH that i fucking need right now.
jesus h. christbananas…
or when confronted about it don’t respond by saying ‘you need to get laid in the worst way.’ like, um…fuck that! (tm midget) fuck that, indeed. i do NOT need to get laid god damn it!!
NO! nevermind! fuck that!
i hate all things with peni today.