i re-read the catcher in the rye and it was so fucking assy and boring that i can’t even get into how much i fuckin’ hate salinger, his “protagonist” or any of that bullshit.
all i will say is, you fuckin’ know holden was a red sox fan. you just know it. such a fuckin’ douche nozzle.
and thus, i cannot decide between these two coats:
coats that are far more fabulous than anything salinger could ever dream of thinking up. but which to get? sale is ending soon…and after that i’ll be oh-so-conflicted as to whether or not i should purchase at full price.
like i should really be spending money on frivolities right now anyway, right?
my life is full of fucking frivolities. and stress. i’ve officially stopped biting my nails, and they’re looking pretty snazzy, but that hasn’t stopped me from stress-chipping off every.last.speck. of nail polish when i’m nervous/stressed. and i had two week’s worth of carefully-maintained sky blue chrome polish that came off in less than 20 minutes of ISP-related insanity at work yesterday.
i’ll buy you fingernail polish… (he can afford it)
but it’s not too bad so far. in fact, i actually had to trim my nails down — with a real fingernail clipper! — yesterday because they were too long. imagine that? i don’t know how long it’s going to last, really. i’ve been running past full-tilt since august and it’s totally wearing me down.
plus, it’s just going to get worse way sooner than it will even begin to get better. i’m such a fuckin’ ray of sunshine, right?
on a happier note, though, it looks like i can has halloween plans! yay! with my nearest and dearest kristin. such love…