dear inconsiderate, cocksucking, retarded, dick-faced fuck:
this is to inform you that just because you drive a hideously ugly SUV — in brookline of all places — you do not fucking own the road. let me repeat that: YOU DO NOT OWN THE ROAD!
in fact, you are a blight on the streets and should be ashamed of yourself. and if your horrible choice of vehicle does not shame you, then your fuck ugly face should. please consider the unsuspecting public you subject to your repulsiveness. additionally, fuck off and die. no wait, put a paper bag over your big, fat head and then fuck off and die.
i may have mentioned that earlier, after you nearly fucking ran me the fuck over because you were TALKING ON YOUR FUCKING CELLPHONE even though i was waving to NOT back the fuck up onto me. i KNOW you could see me in your rearview mirror, and i even fucking waved you off, but no…YOU KEPT FUCKING BACKING UP. then when i moved out of the way you turned into me, because you were ON YOUR FUCKING CELLPHONE. the aforementioned cellphone should be “forcefully inserted into [your] anus.” (and then the bag on the head, and then fuck off and die)
and thus, my dear cocksucking retard, you got the finger and a glare that should cause nothing less than painful, lingering death. even as you nearly caused a fucking wreck in the middle of a busy street, you STILL did not get off your phone. i hope your balls rot off, i sincerely do.
furthermore, when you leaned out your window, unleashing the full force of that disturbingly horrifying excuse for a face to yell obscenities at me, you should’ve been watching the road. and that is why, mr. douche nozzle, you got the finger, and a big healthy “Fuck You!”.
in the future, please refrain from being such a god damned retard, and maybe turn in your driver’s license because you entirely don’t deserve it. plus, i have your license plate # and a picture, pray that i don’t get my vindictive bitch on. fucking pray, motherfucker.
additionally, don’t forget to fuck off and die.
deez nutz
ps – i hate you