do you really need ten whole reasons to have sex? and thus, in light of such astounding scientific evidence proving how fucking awesome fucking is… can we, as a nation, move on from the condemnation of sexuality as a whole and stop being so fucking puritanical?
double standards and childish fears of sex abound, man. why are so many teen pregnancies regarded with astonishment and a frantic search for a scapegoat? i mean, if you don’t make an effort to teach safe sex in schools and educate your own children then you should not be so surprised when your son or daughter comes home with a particularly vicious STD/bun in the oven.
sex is good for you, sex is totallyfuckingawesomefun, everyone has it, everyone wants it, and yet in america the general public acts as if it is some great, horrifying taboo. it would be ironic if it weren’t so god damned fucking sad.