today’s shark is the angel shark! it’s not your typical shark, ya know? it looks a little bit more like a skate or a ray, but make no mistake, this is a shark. for reals and for true. and i’ve always been a bit fond of it.
last year during shark week there was a really awesome show featuring nothing but angels, and it was amazing. these are some really interesting sharks. despite their looks and their build, they actually have a really powerful bite.
of the genus squatina, vital stats are:
- angel sharks bury themselves in sand or mud, and then jump up to snap up prey
- they’re pretty damn docile for sharks, if left alone, they won’t attack
- the genus name squatina is derived from Latin, meaning “a kind of shark”
- they can grow up to 60″, with a maximum reported age of 35 years
- they can reach up to 60 lbs.
- larger sharks, including white sharksare potential predators of the angelshark.
honorary mention for friday: bull shark!