september 1st, 2009 the new super time pilot album dropped. it is available at newbury comics everywhere, and online via newbury comics. it is a fantastic collaborative effort from rob potylo (robby roadsteamer) and nikki dessingue. i haven’t been able to stop listening since i got the album.
it’s exciting to see roadsteamer in a new creative light, and experience brand new music all at once.
i’ve already caught them live at the middle east upstairs last month, and it was fantastic. unfortunately i will be missing the CD release party at TT the Bear’s this saturday. alas…
the album is long, the songs are catchy, and if you take a listen you’ll definitely find yourself hitting repeat.
my favorites:
safe and sound –
real nice rock –
creepy dickhead eyes –
do you like waiting? –
why not take the rest of the album for a spin? there are some really excellent songs on it!
i hope i get something creative out of this? –
escape plan –
comedy song –
lady logic –
it’s thursday! –
sports bar –
jon + tris –
under the radar –
you changed –
39 –
you’re gonna get hit –
the last lady unicorn –
no container –
new explosion –
party at the top –
and now that you’ve listened and enjoyed, why not go out and get yourself a copy as well?