yeah…that’s right. i think the boys are a bad influence on me sometimes. heh…that’s right, *they* influence ME! muah ha ha ha ha!!! that’s my story and i’m sticking to it, yo!
see what happens when we’re discussing fantastmagoric joysticks for gaming:
Aragorn: Two of them. I have a joystick obsession (take that any way you want). I’ll also pay top dollar for the ultimate joystick. There was the $200 one for the xbox, and the $90 force feedback joystick (sidewinder) for the pc. I seat them in my lap :D
Sean: Who wouldn’t?
Me: Jesus?
Sean: Jesus would most definitely pay top dollar for the top of the line joystick, he’s the freakin son of god he has standards man…. Standards.
Me: Jesus would get the tongue-operated controller. Just sayin’…
Sean: Oh definitely but Jesus would have MAD oral skillz
Me: Jesus is my savior. ;)
Sean: Oral skillz bring out the religion in us all.
Me: amen!
Aragorn: Jesus also has chocolaty orgasms
Me: HAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA…Oh wow…I’m going to hell for *that* mental image.
Aragorn: Wanna taste the son of god?
Me: Um, I feel like there’s no safe way for me to answer that
Aragorn: You know I’ve been sitting here too long when…
Me: No comment…!!!!!!!
what? we were *praising* jesus…