- new PCP who is not a fuckbag cocksucker
- new curtains in the livingroom look well lush
- i COMPLETED my imperial flagship (pictures to follow)
- PAX East 2010 with the boy
- getting a new bed from ikea (oh my god the delicious softness, so comfy!)
- pi day celebrations! so many pies!
- new tattoo appointment with my bfffffffffffffffffffffffff(x infinity!) kw
- new tattoo (so awesome it had to be listed twice!)
- new dining set for the kitchen (well, new to me)
- new cabinet for the bathroom (new to me, also: free!)
- new ideas for even MORE tattoos…
- visiting my baby bro in may (so excited!)
it’s hard to believe i already have an idea of what i’ll be doing months from now and how quickly the year is flying by.
plus, on top of all the awesome things i have to look foward to, there are a number of slightly-less-than-awesome work things coming down the pipeline. hopefully the kick ass stuff will be spread out enough amongst the reviews, and migrations, and moves, and offsites and general work fuckery (so much worse than whimsicle fuckery) that it will all balance out.
pray for mojo.