on the one hand, motherfuckin’ snow day! on the other hand, i spent over an hour digging out my car. by the time i got all the way to route 9, i found an email that said i didn’t have to be in to work anyway. on the way back home a tree branch nearly fell on my car — instead it dumped all the snow in the world on my roof/windshield/hood and made me swerve like a motherfuck. the maintenance guys took my spot and i couldn’t fit anywhere, and the only open spot was completely full of snow. i got completely soaked (it was heavy, wet snow) and frozen. and nearly 4 hours after i actually got up, got ready and started trying to get to my new job, i was back in my nice warm bed.
a few hours later, the power went out.
it only came on around 4:00 ish.
so, for a snow day, it was kind of rather shit. but at least everything in the fridge didn’t spoil. i’m not looking forward to having to dig out my car again tomorrow, though. i’m super worried about that.