the world is pissing me off today…blah.
i went to the gym, of course, and got all geared up for my cycling class and i’m just adjusting the bike when i realize that i’ve left my water bottle at home. which is, to say the least, annoying as fuck.
THEN, in my annoyance over my water bottle i go and adjust my bike wrong. so the handle bars are all fucking screwy and i’m like leaning forward like i’m going to pitch onto the floor in front of old instructor dude. you know, he doesn’t have a name, and he looks kinda like this spindly dude who’s maybe a hyperactive business man or works for the pd or something like that…i dunno…ANYWAY, i’m like, gah and my arms are straining because of the handlebars and like, the seat is too high, too low, too…something, and too far back or forward or something cuz i swear my knees are not supposed to feel like that.
so i make it through class and get to work and joy of endless fucking joys…*sigh* my god damned job is annoying. people with weird ass names calling and ME having to relay their stupid messages and like, office vp or whatever from corporate is here and she’s all ‘you’re stupid.’ and asking me these idiot questions all unsure if i can handle them or not and all the new people here really make me uncomfortable in my own damned office.
i don’t know what it is today but i’m annoyed and bothered and like, fidgety and shit. and i hate massachusetts.
illegal fireworks my figurative left NUT!