so the vatican has finally decided on a new pope. cardinal joseph ratzinger of germany, now pope benedict XVI. w0rd.
i don’t really have uber-strong feelngs either way, i mean, i realize the political impact the pope has on the world…it’s just, the politics of organized religion hold very little appeal for me. i think it underminds the faith that it’s based on. at least, personally. religion and faith are two very different things in my world. they are closely inter-twined. but at the end of the day it’s my faith that keeps me going, not my religion. if that makes sense.
either way, i get annoyed how bashing on catholicism is the new black. yes, i’m a horrible catholic and make the alter boy buttsex jokes all the time. but i mean, those are funny. the american interferance with papal business and criticism on the general tenets of the church are what get to me. because people go off on their little soapboxes without understanding any of it. it’s fashionable to hold catholicism in disdain, but what most americans don’t realize is american catholics make up a very small minority of the population of catholics in the world. very small minority, indeed.
additionally, we are in the evil clutches of one of the most fundamentally “religious” presidents in recent history…and nobody is worried about what he’s doing. everyone criticizes the catholic position on contraception, but doesn’t realize that good ol’ satandubya doesn’t even like to *mention* contraception. abstinence without education is his modus operandi. his gospel truth. his utter bullshit.
i’m far too militant, i blame al franken. he has given me more fuel for my george w. bush hate.