i so neglected my blog… heh. *hangs head in shame*
i’m trying not to, but dude, like midget said… FUCK JACK!
serioulsly, like, wtf? that dude is an asshole and a half. fuck jack in his fucking ear, ya heard. so i’m dealing with all this webhosting stuff and i promise a million and a half times that when i finally get around to gettin’ my host switched and my blog switched i’ll keep up. i swears.
gah…and my fingernails are short again.
i broke one nail and couldn’t let the finger stay gimpy for all eternity, so now i’m all…short gimpy nails. bah.
bah squared.
and i’m on week three of my joining the gym, getting up at the ass crack of dawn and working out stage. la la la. i haven’t quit yet, and i haven’t given up and i’m still there…so that has to count for something, right? RIGHT?