i fucking hate it.
but OF COURSE who makes me cry at the drop of a motherfucking hat? who, i ask you?! anyone? bueller? bueller?
why the rockstar, of COURSE!!!
so we talked abit this afternoon over im. i have pretty much figured that we’re never going to “hash things out” between us, and we’re doomed to live with this “agreement” to not hook up with anyone else for the rest of our natural lives…no matter how retarded that is or how frustrating it is or how much i want to run screaming into the night and bash my head into the wall until i lose consciousness.
i fucking miss the hell out of him and even though he brought up the subject of us and whatevercakes…I’M the one going nuts over it…and fucking crying. a lot. well you know what i say? FUCK. THAT! (tm midget)
seroiusly folks, i mean, i wasn’t doing so bad without him…but jesus christ bananas i was doin’ somewhat better, at least. i was havin’ fun and being happiful sometimes and only missing him every once in a great while. and now?
i’m a fucking weepy mess every god damned motherfucking day. FUCK! and he wanted me to listen to his new version of a song he recorded (presumably when he was blowing me off last night), and i did…and of course it’s fucking awesome and of course it fucking made me cry again. and of course i got upset and when he abruptly signed off without so much as a goodbye or whatever his standard brush off ‘i’m leaving’ response is i type a big fat ‘fuck that’ at him and then he comes back on later to say he likes im’ing me and why do i get so mad and to cut him some fucking slack and blah blah fucking blah.
you know what? fuck. that. (tm midget)
fuck that, indeed.
i need a drink.