so i knew i was a spinster in training, i jus didn’t realize that it was set in stone forevermore. but clearly while i apparently emit a sound that only assholes, crackheads, douchebags, retards and complete losers can hear i also repel all reasonably somewhat kinda normal dudes.
woo and yay! NOT.
i have to have a fucking sign on my head that says “undateable & highly damaged goods”
why in god’s name would someone be all “i think you’re pretty” and fucking kiss you and then be like, “so i have a girlfriend”‘
fuck. that. (tm midget)
fuck that indeed, and like fuck “all the good ones are taken” right in the ear! who fucking checks out someone else, fucking kisses someone else if they’re in a fucking relationship? oh, let me rephrase that — what decent person would go and do something like that? cheezits and rice, yo. there are definitely a couple of dudes that i do not hold in very high esteem these days. duh, fuh and buh.
you’d *think* my life would be easier if i just turned lesbian. but oh no…i have to go and be all about the cock! blah.
blah squared.
and i’m not all heartbroken over some random fucker who’s name i vaguely remember… like, oh i really wanna hook up with someone who goes and hollas at someone else while they’re in a fucking relationship. ‘i’d call you in a heartbeat if i didn’t have a girlfriend.’
no. fucking. thank. you.
like, total douchebaggery! i feel sorry for that punk’s poor girlfriend.
and of course since i was a slightly less than sober pineapple i ended up calling the rockstar about it. that boy is highly useless at many times. but here are the highlights of the conversation:
1. i think i may be a whore by rockstar standards because i should make EVERYONE wait a month before getting to kiss me.
2. quote of the evening “i think there is something wrong with my brain” — rockstar
3. the rockstar has an extensive theory regarding the antichrist
i swear, i’m so savin’ up for the poolboy island right fucking now. i can’t deal with this bullshit. it’s so not worth it.