fuckin’ new entland weather…all week & weekend it’s been gorgeous, even got up to 66 degrees on tuesday, but what was it like when i woke up this morning? care to guess? no? fine then, i’ll fucking tell you:
fucking snow! boooooooo! and it continued to snow all fucking day. i barely needed a jacket yesterday and today it’s fucking snowing and i had to bust out the long coat again. talk about sucking big fat goat balls. god damned new england weather. i’m so not a fan.
i suppose i’m gratefu it wasn’t ridiculous cold. just kinda wet out, and not too bad, i guess. but i was so ready for spring…not *more* snow. fuck that.
::le sigh::
in other news, been workin’ & whatnot but also really ricockulous tired and not knowing why. i also had a bad ass day…or more accurately a fat ass day. blegh. i’m not a fan. i’ve worked it out in my head what i have to do schedule wise to fit in going to the gym and getting to work on time & all that…but at night i come home tired & lounge & don’t do much around the apartment and in the morning i’m just so fucking worn the fuck out, ya know. it takes FOREVER for me to fall asleep (if i do at all) and then i’m tired as hell when morning rolls around. blegh squared.
anyway, the weekend was ok. best part (as previously noted): a midget call. w00t! but i’m not having the best luck with things of a boy nature. boys are clearly not something i can deal with. i *did*, however, make it to pub quiz and our team (hamentaschen gluttons) was in 2nd place all through the quiz up until the last bonus question. fucking bonus question. alas, we came out 4th. blegh.
then norah & i went to see the passion of christ. oh. my. god(literally!). most horrifyingly harrowing movie i have ever…EVER seen!!
sweet jesus! (literally!)
oh and satan was a fucking woman!? WHAT THE FUCK?! with that manbaby thing? ::cringe:: oh. my. god.
the rockstar was wrong, there is no way in HELL i could’ve seen that alone. at. all.
mine :