so i im’d emily today — emily: roommate freshman year in wigg-B & pfo ho blockmate — just to catch up cuz jetta & i ran into her the other day when we were heading out for teh usual (thursday). and it was hella, hella good to see her & i had forgotten how wee she was. heh.
and so we’re catching up, today, ya know. and that’s hella good. and then emily goes ‘so i have a story’, and of course, being the inquisitive pineapple that i am, i go ‘yeah?’
bad idea.
cuz it went something like this:
emily (1:08:50 PM): so the other night, [rockstar] IMs me and says: “Long time no see or talk to” and I never had his screenname so I was like, “who the hell is this?” and he was like, “It’s [rockstar], [pineapple’s] ex-boyfriend.” and I had no idea you guys had broken up. and I didn’t know how things were between you so I didn’t know if I should be talking to him. but, he asked about you and then pretty much just made small talk and said goodbye
pineapple (1:09:04 PM): he im’d you?
emily (1:09:09 PM): yah
pineapple (1:09:15 PM): what the fuck?
pineapple (1:09:31 PM): he asked about me?
emily (1:09:43 PM): I definitely hadn’t talked to him since the last time I saw you so it was sooo weird that he would randomly be talking to me
emily (1:09:45 PM): yeah
pineapple (1:09:55 PM): i’m sorry
emily (1:10:31 PM): I didn’t care but I didn’t want to be talking to him if things were not cool between the two of you
WHAT THE HELL, PEOPLE?!?!? why in christ’s name is the rockstar im’ing MY FRESHMAN ROOMMATE?!?!?!? i mean, they hardly ever even talked to each other at all when we were together and i was living with emily, ya know?! what the fuck!? and he asked about me?
wow, just when i think i’m doin’ ok. something goes and happens. blugh. i mean, i was talkin’ to cute work boy, you know. i went out last night and had fun, i’ve been having fun. i’ve been trying to hold it down for ’04, you know?