alrighty then…here it is:
If you…
1. …owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?
mmmmmmexican food the kind my grams used to make; of course then i’d be even fatter, cuz it’d be in such close proximity.
2. …owned a small store, what kind of merchandise would you sell?
very newbury comics style: happy bunny gear, tons of cds & albums (only from indie groups & unsigned & locals & whatnot), pr0n (kidding!!!), oooh and comics too, if possible.
3. …wrote a book, what genre would it be?
a little horror, a little scifi, a little drama & some pr0n (kidding).
4. …ran a school, what would you teach?
REAL american history…fuck that standard issue anglo-saxxon version of BS they serve up in the schools. and also:
pimpin’ 101 and how to twerk professionally.
recognize, bitch!
5. …recorded an album, what kind of music would be on it?
um, hello! only for teh grown & sexxxy, ya heard? represent!!! jetta & i are ALL OVER this, ya heard?! like WHOA. our band will be teh h0tt…with plenty of kick ass guitar & twerkin’ it. it shall be only for teh grown & sexxxy.
mine :