boston has this uncanny ability to master the art of Deceptive Weather. you’ll wake up in the morning and the sun will be shining so brightly you have to shield your eyes to look out the window because it’s just so sunshiny. so you get up and get ready to face the day and when you get outside you fall to your knees in agony crying out at your own wretched stupidity of falling for the “appearance” of the weather. more often than not, when it’s beautifully sunshiny and bright outside, the second you step out the door you are blasted with the near-arctic wind that you can’t *see* but definitely exists beneath the deceptive pretense of a balmy day. fuck that noise. seriously.
on the other hand, it will appear very muggy and gross out. most likely with rain approaching. so you’ll get dressed up for that. grab a coat and such before you head out the door. and that’s when the weather will be balmy and comfortable and perfect, despite outward appearances of fugliness.
i think the east coast just enjoys fucking with our minds.