i’m bored, so sue me. :crazy:
- last cigarette: two thursday nights ago @ the common ground
- last car ride: saturday night when scooter drove me home
- last kiss: ::refrains from answering::
- last good cry: ::thinks:: maybe last friday
- last library book checked out: oh that was a LONG time ago
- last movie seen: van helsing…um…i don’t advise that…no wait, kill bill vol. 1!!! and i *do* recommend that!
- last book read: “the stone of farewell” — tad williams
- last cuss word uttered: shit
- last beverage drank: water
- last food consumed: french fries
- last crush: ;) currently… ::zips lips::
- last phone call: my midget ::squee::
- last tv show watched: mtv’s pimp my ride
- last time showered: this morning
- last shoes worn: my cool blue maryjane sneaks
- last cd played: “elephunk” — the black eyed peas
- last item bought: bath & body works goodies…mmm vanilla
- last download: some maroon 5 song
- last annoyance: boys
- last soda drank: i don’t drink pop
- last thing written: my last blog entry, duh.
- last key used: the period key
- last word spoken: ok
- last sleep: last night
- last im: jetta & brandon
- last sexual fantasy: well that’s for me to know, and you to wonder about
- last weird encounter: man in a dress with wings on his head, saturday
- last ice cream eaten: blackberry ice cream, sunday
- last time amused: this afternoon, emails from the boys
- last time in love: last year
- last time hugged: this morning
- last time scolded: uh, hmmm…it’s been a while
- last time resentful: constantly
- last chair sat in: office chair at stax
- last lipstick used: my sparkly one
- last shirt worn: plain rugby shirt
- last poster looked at: johnny depp, before i went to work
- last show attended: the black eyed peas & N.E.R.D w00t!!!
- last webpage visited: http://boston.cragislist.org