and i’m back…jesus where in the hell do i even begin? i had intended to try and keep track of everything as best as (asbestos!) possible but got sidetracked, distracted, enticed by something shiny and spinning (something shiny and something that spins…there art i pleased!) ::ahem:: what? it’s true!
with regard to procrastination — nobody fucks me like me, know what i’m sayin’? ;) ANYWAY…let’s see if i can manage to recount what in the holy fuck happened this past weekend, cuz it sure as shit was a doozy, ya heard. (hooray for long holiday weekends!)
the weekend of the pineapple:
friday: can i just say that there is nothing quite as fantabulous as getting off work early on a friday afternoon? because that is right up there on the list of fantabulous things, at least in the top 10 for this girl. word. 3 pm and i jetted the eff out of AIG like whoa. of course i had to haul ass over to job #2 to pick up the digital projector because *some people* can’t make up their freaking minds (and have the nerve to accuse lil’ ol’ ME of being indecisive!) regarding video games and movies and i’m just such a sweet, forgiving, accommodating soul that i don’t mind going out of my way to acquire an additional method of entertainment when i could be home cleaning up or vegging out or something. but that’s just me.
so check it, i get to job #2 and peeps are all up in that joint and i realize i haven’t necessarily *asked* if i can borrow the suh-weet ass digital projector or not. because, frankly, i hate asking people for anything at all, really. and honestly, nobody up in job #2 ever uses the damned thing and i’m the only one that even really acknowledges it’s freaking existence and if i could just muster up a little more girth in my figurative nuts then i’d have waltzed in, boldly declared ‘yo, i’m jockin’ this for the weekend so i can get my game on, pizzeace y’all!’ grabbed the projector and jetted. alas…i am not that brazen yet. (key word being ‘yet’) instead i acted a fool and made some noise about missing a day the coming week for the FNX concert with norahcita and stayed at job #2 till 5 and slunk away with the projector. sometimes i really amaze myself at how god damned retarded i can be — then i remember i will never be as delusional or misguided as the rockstar and feel better about myself. of course, feeling better about yourself doesn’t get my ass to allston rock city on time when i’m supposed to meet somebody at my apartment, now does it.
i subjected myself to the mercy of the mystical ‘#64 bus’ and as luck would have it, managed to actually catch a ride towards the homefront — walking and/or taking the T not being viable options at this point. of course, aragorn was supposed to meet me at good ol’ #33 at 5 pm, and it was round about 5:30 when i finally got home. no aragorn in sight, and that afternoon apparently decided to be the time when my cellphone would go on the fritz. of course, the kid don’t even have a phone himself, so you know. as luck would have it, while i went downstairs to check the mail homeboy walked up to my building. word. we ended up messing with the projector settings and the various loads of cables, taking an impromptu trip to guitar center and watching movies/playing games.
let me kick it to you one time: xbox + digital projector = orgasmic experience like none other
so saturday rolls around and finds me passed the eff out on the futon with princess mononoke’s dvd menu on the projector screen because i fell asleep shortly after aragorn left. nice. eventually i drag my ass to the gym and work it out hardcore because let’s face it boys and girls, this ass ain’t gettin’ any smaller. meh. so i roll on home and holla at the midget for a while and just as i’m peeling myself up off the futon to hop in the shower, my doorbell rings. or ancient-ass buzzer thingie. wtf? it’s aragorn. he’s EARLY, like 2 hours and shit. and i look like the lowest form of gutter troll. of course, this kid has already seen me first thing in the “morning” in my pjamas, so all gym wenched out isn’t that much better or worse. i’ve abandoned all hope at this point anyway. (but let it be known i wanted to rip his monkey t-shirt right off because it was so cool…i covet it…the SHIRT!!!)
so homeboy wants to go to newbury comics and says he’ll wait for me to get all gussied up and such. one of the things i love about having short hair is i don’t take long to get ready. and we’re off. on the T boy asks me if he can crash at my place, and without a beat or a single squeal i just nod affirmative. word.
and there’s the wonder that is newbury comics, the yumminess of ben ‘n jerry’s and the chill of sippin’ drinks in a coffee house and avoiding red sox fans. later comes video games and movies (watch run lola run…go now! WATCH IT!!!!) and pizza and such. and i had a fabulous day.
sean showed up later in the middle of evil dead. they both ended up passing the eff out in my living room. heh.
so i go to the gym first thing in the morning and exceptionally hot trainer dude totally fucking KICKS MY ASS. seriously, full body ache, yo. i drag myself home to the boys shower and change and kinda collapse in a pile of goo while they amuse themselves with more projectory goodness. aragorn leaves at about oneish. sean kicks on run lola run (cuz he hasn’t seen it) and chills.
chillin’ with that kid apparently extends to damn near 7 pm. f’real. insane, dude. then norahcita calls and wants to rollerblade.
monday: (yeah, that’s right suckas, MONDAY was officially inducted into my motherfuckin’ weekend, yo!) ::ahem::
scooter and i endeavored to rollerblade and ended up forsaking target on a quest for wal-mart that took us into new hampshire and to eating at bickford’s at damn near fucking 1 in the god-damned morning. it was hilarity.
fucking hilarity. i may or may not have been yelled at in wal-mart for playing with balls.
yeah, that’s right. playing.with.balls. heh. teenage mutant ninja turtle balls. wee!
and that, dear hearts, was that.