aragorn is my hero today:
Posted by Aragorn:
I can’t see this film working out. I am definitely a left wing liberal, but I am very bothered by the bi-partisan system we have going, and as much as Michael Moore has many good points, and has always placed the human element as the bottom line of anything he’s written or produced, I think he does plenty of damage as well of helping to keep our two party system alive and well. Where is the middle ground? I have always felt that despite his excellent points, Michael Moore has always given one side of the story. If my memory serves correct, I do believe that Moore has acknowledged the successes of our country, but he obviously focuses a lot on the failings, which again, is effectively one side of the story. And this is why I think “Michael Moore Hates America” is going to be an intellectual failure, the theme so far seems to be showing the other view, which doesn’t work. You can’t prove to me that America is a dreamer’s wonderland just by having interviews and satires with Goldie Hawn, and Bruce Willis. Everyone is too close to the damn trees to see the forest. The only thing I can see this movie accomplish to to just contribute to the fire that’s burning the hell out of our nation. Then again, this movie isn’t out yet, so I suppose I should reserve judgement until after I see it. However, good luck debunking Moore, as that has already proven to be a challenging task, even for all of the anti-Moore websites out there, as all they seem to be able to do is spew childish sarcasm at little news quotes. Moore on the other hand has a movie that guts the NRA (of whom you just DO NOT MESS WITH) without suffering from a single lawsuit. That’s called being factually SOUND! Regardless, I’m sure this movie will have no difficulties finding funding and a distributor. That’s Conservative media for you.