so i gots a job interview today. ::crosses fingers:: i hope i get it, because you know…i can’t kick it at AIG much longer, because they’re closing down the office in july, ya know. and i’m not going back to school until september… ::crosses fingers extra freaking hard:: so there is an interim there where i will need to have a job to pay rent, pay for moving out of allston (hopefully) and starting school (extra-BIG hopefully).
i just don’t know…but a job that doesn’t “forget” to pay me for a freaking MONTH would be a definite plus, ya know. i mean…home girl has to pay rent, and bills, ya heard. i mean, fuck, what do they expect me to do? yeah i have two jobs, and thank christ for that! because if i didn’t, oh ho i would’ve been sooooo fucked, seriously. a month. no pay. they “lost” my hours — mind you, i submit that shit TWICE, electronically & on paper…TWICE! — and didn’t pay me. then they couldn’t just direct deposit that shit, they cut me a check and had to mail it. it takes time for deposits and shit to go through, damnit!
::deep breath::
ok so i’m kinda frazzled and such. i’ma calm down right quick. or try to. and you know another thing? i’m all irritable over boys and shit right now, too. i am tryin’ not to think about any of the ish relating to any of the boys in my life right now, but that’s easier said than done. i hate thinking about stuff too much. it makes my brain leak out of my ears. meh.
meh squared.
and it’s hot as a motherfuck today and i have to be runnin’ around wearing a god damned suit. luckily i recently acquired a kicky suit in a color OTHER than black. cuz i would straight up melt today.
“are you alive?”
“yes, very much alive…and full of goo.”