i seem to be organizing what is undoubtedly one of the first birthday-party-esque gatherings i have had since i was 17, and that was at my parents’ discretion…dis-cretion…god that looks like it’s spelled wrong. ANYWAY, last time i voluntarily had a birthday gathering of sorts i must’ve been like 13 years old.
then i gave up in a ‘nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess i’ll go eat worms’ fashion. there’s this horribly embarrassing shroud that descends upon you when you want to have a party with all your friends and nobody shows up.
it’s called:
so yeah, invited tons o’ peeps, a handful are already down for death row AAAANND (yeah, there’s more) apparently the consumers might play at the bar (if it’s okayed and all that) seriously. i’m just…wow.
my life, or something like it, yo.
oh, and i hate boys again. or rather, no, i don’t. i just hate interaction with humans.
and i’m having a shindig of sorts.
mine :