i’m actually doing work now. i’ve done 1/2 of my chem problem set (the 1/2 that’s due on thursday…well, pseudo-due) and will start my calculus problem set soon. and i owe it all to the requiem for a dream soundtrack. it’s weird, but for some reason i work hardcore when i’m listening to it. which is good, because i can’t seem to motivate myself these days (i know! i know! i went apeshit trying to get into here again telling myself liesi would work harder and such, i *know*…) but when i listen to this…all of a sudden i f o c u s.
thank christ for small favors.
and while i’m taking this pseudo-study break (because i can’t get enough of this song, and because i have shitty study habits), i have to confess…
i’m fucking up again. i have an exam on monday, an exam AND a paper due on friday, and another exam two weeks from tomorrow and i can honestly say that if i were to be forced to sit down right now and take all of these exams i wouldn’t have the foggiest clue what the fuck i’m supposed to do.
i fucked up. fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked f-u-c-k-e-d up.
i suck at this school thing…but like…what the fuck else am i supposed to do?
i confess what pisses me off the most is it’s the rudimentary bullshit that’s tripping me up. i wish i could miraculously *get passed* it and start working on something fascinating. like bypass the fundamental calculus bullshit and start working in a lab more. i *heart* working in the lab. 5 hours of lab every tuesday is so fabulous.
clearly there’s something wrong with me…