i should’ve stayed in and done my math problem sets like a good lil pineapple, but what did i do? i frolicked off with marc for a few and then headed to sandrines for the stax dinner/cocktails. heh. free booze & food, what was i supposed to do?
especially with the d-hall offerings lookin’ exceptionally rank.
and work always puts together classy shindigs…i mean, catered shit and all that.
so much wine do they give.
i *heart* work get togethers, i really do. and i got to kick it with all the people from the cambridge office and meet all the chicago people, it was highly choice. the food wasn’t half bad, either. and well…i mean, i’m not a fan of wine, but about 5 glasses into the evening i was.
go figure.
of course, then when i finally got upright and left the restaurant i was pleasantly buzzed. so of course the pineapple drunk dialing was revived. i called jetta, had been txt’ing aragorn all eveningish, called faithy and my shanikqua. though, the last few were mainly cuz i was walking home to the quad in the dark and cold and all that. sometimes i just don’t want to be completely alone, ya know.
so i go up to my auxilary room to meet jetta and patrick and chillax in my inebriated state. so much random occured. flatbackyogabuttboy was there, whom i just met, and not only did he try and holla at jetta (like everyone in the free world does) but he also played a song about midgets. it was…weird.
and you know what? i had called aragorn rather than try to drunkenly answer his text message and he goes ‘can i call you back in about a 1/2 hour?’ and guess what: he did!
i mean, he said he’d call back and he actually did it. when he said he was going to!
heh. i don’t know why, but that made me get the warm and fuzzies. i suppose you know, you take what you can get & all that.
eventually i had to leave the auxilary room, though…it was getting far too special there for me to continue chillaxin’.