i have only one word:
that’s all i can think…since late tuesday night, early wednesday morning round 4 a.m. that’s all i can think…why? people got out and voted, the economy is crumbling before our eyes, children are starving on the streets, millions are jobless, there aren’t enough vaccinations to keep our people hungry, and we’re at a war that never needed to be fought in the first place…so just, fucking…WHY?!!?!?!
the only thing i can come up with is: there is no why.
oh john kerry…i never liked you, i never fully subscribed to your beliefs, but god damn if i didn’t support you. sonofabitch if i didn’t back you, and motherfuck if i didn’t actually believe that you might be the one to save us from this tyrant. yes, tyrant. i fully and wholly believe that george w. bush is a tyrant. he is not my president, nor will he ever be. and maybe i wasn’t 100% in love with john kerry and his campaign’s ideals, but i was counting on them, don’t you see?
i’m not republican or democrat, and i’m loathe to associate myself with either, but…for the first time in my life i put my trust into the bi-partisan system and supported a candidate. i hoped, i prayed, i told people to vote, i took part, i got out and voted my own self…
and this is what happens?
i just…
i don’t know what to say. i’m disgusted with and ashamed of my country. i almost wish i were born in a foreign nation so i could claim alternative citizenship and wash my hands of this whole affair. canada, switzerland, mexico…anywhere but here. but you know what? the more i think of that, the more it seems like the cowardly way out. as if i’m letting big bad dubya chase me out of my fucking home. my own fucking home! man, i’m not goin’ out like that.
fuck it.
fuck that.
fuck bushâ„¢.
i’m not gonna run away like some little bitch. hell, no. i’m not going to put my faith in democracy ever again either, though. our party system is inherently flawed and has been from the start, our electoral process is a fucking joke. ‘electoral college’, yeah right. popular vote means precious little in this day and age, it’s a laughingstock. and when you factor in disenfranchisement and voting restrictions…no wonder so many people are disgrunteled and disenchanted with the voting system. for a lot of people, it’s almost not worth it to vote, because come election day no matter what you do…you’re ultimately helpless, your vote ultimately means nothing.
i voted AGAINST bush, i declare this with pride…with fervor. i voted to GET HIM OUT…
and what good did it do?
my state vote was inconsequential…the electoral votes didn’t come through. and motherfuck…kerry conceded. four more years of this? four more years of bush?
i think i’m going to be sick.