ay dios teh weekend! i can’t really believe it’s officially over and all that, ya know? it feels like i just left the office to go home friday night, and here it is monday morning (snowing a metric fuckton) and i’m back in the office. stupidsexydeceptivetime.
so friday evening i went home, changed out of my officemonkey wear and met up with the boy. we watched some ghost in the shell and then headed out to kenmore to attempt to watch constantine. enter the uber thwart! the best part of going into the massively over-crowded friday night theatre was aragorn throwing popcorn at some stupid kid before we made our hasty exit. and it was so ball-blisteringly cold outside, that it left us kind of surly. and obviously, the only cure for that is to trek back to the allston unos and get some grub. and the best fucking part was the super awesome waitress totally hooked me up with [insert dramatic drumroll here] dinosaur-shaped chicken!!!!!! best.thing.ever.
i *heart* dinosaurs. tee hee!
after making it back to casa del buttsex and defrosting a bit, i totally cashed out. so fucking cold this weekend! and come saturday morning norahcita’s motherthing showed up. wee! she was pretty spiffy and such. more moving and hauling of stuffs to the apartment. i totally co-opted this ginormous shelf that norah didn’t have room for anywheres and unpacked some of my buttfuckton of clothes and hung up my wall o’ jordan. somewhat productive, and all. whoa.
then the boy came over for mucho movies and pizza, that was fun.
we made tentative plans for dim sum @ green tea on sunday but after hanging up my wall of johnny depp and such, the uber thwart returned and totally found me getting lost in allston & then waiting for-fucking-ever for a D train out to newton; norah & her moms in medford loading up a van; and jetta trapped in natick trying to resurrect her poor dead powerbook (right during thesis time! d’oh!). so i totally showed up an hour late…but the best part about the boy is he totally doesn’t care about shit like that and didn’t mind. (which isn’t to say he didn’t totally mock me) anyway, we schlepped back to his place and played some sonic adventure. good times good times. and then made a 2nd daring attempt at seeing constantine.
and…[insert dramatic drumroll here] shock and awe and gasp and suprise: we saw it! and you know what? it wasn’t half bad. the plot and action was rather good, actually. character interaction and even keanu reeves wasn’t that bad. ya know. but oh.my.god. guess what?
and that…
is all i have to say…
about that :p