aww yeah, motherfuckers. i’m roundin’ up on one of the best god damned weekends in a forever and a half. good eats, good brews, good music, good movies, good buds all up in this piece. palabra
of course, the boy still rocks for procuring the invader zim awesomeness. i feel i’m like 15% closer to knowing whether or not my baby bro can come out here this summer for a visit. jetta’s moms and sister were down for her show (which fucking kicked ass, by the way). and the weather outside is fuckin’ off the hook awesome these days.
i took my bike out and rode to the mart of the K and got a spiffy basket for the front (still can’t find one for the back yet) and some new streamers. god damn if it wasn’t hella gorgeous out. but god damn if i’m not so out of shape. it felt good to get out and get some fresh air and sunshine, but i need to step it up a notch. winter has made me shun the outdoors. and thus i am both unholy pale (for me, anyway) and quite icky these days. i need to bike, and rollerblade and walk around and enjoy the damned weather.
i even got pretty domesticated this weekend, cleanin’ and cookin’ and shit. but it’s all good. still one damned fine weekend, if i do say so myself. damned fine.
even saw the lights of the goodyear blimp
and it read ice cube’s a pimp