thank god for music. seriously, i would most likely be going on numerous homicidal rampages or something if not for being able to surround myself with music at nearly all times. but even better than the unending glee that my ipod and CDs provide is the awesome high you get from a live show. that said, LCD Soundsystem kicked ass.
seriously, they rocked. there were *two* — not one, but two! — cowbell setups, and they made full use of the giant avalon disco ball. yay! and the lead singer, i swear he looks like a giant tardchild or autistic or *something*, i couldn’t quite put my finger on it… but when i mentioned it to scooter, she merely replied “oh, he’s from jersey.” hee! indeed. either way, they rocked hardcore. although they didn’t play nearly as long as i would’ve liked, the show was over far too soon. then again, it did start rather early.
ooh, *and* due to clever maneuvering through many filthy hipsters, we managed to get hella close to the stage! yay! even teh midget-like scooter could see from our vantage point, tres awesome. the only not-so-great part of the show was when we walked in; M.I.A. was playing, and dear mother of god did she/they suck big floppy donkey dick. i couldn’t imagine anyone actually paying money to see that shit. so.poor. i mean, she bit from the eurythmics and jay z (that i could pick out) and would attempt to rap or something…whatevers…and then spastically twitch and shriek. just…awful. it was marginally amusing to see all these kids awkwardly trying to find the backbeat to “big pimpin”, but again, i wouldn’t willingly pay money to see M.I.A. alone. honestly, her setup was like one big, hideous screensaver. oh, and there were these crazy bitches that started chanting “M. I. A.! M. I. A.!!” during the break before LCD came back out for their encore. i’m sure they were on crack or something.
then again, shanikqua kept going off about how awesome she is, but was less than impressed with her live show. i think he just liked her because he wants to bang her. but, just two hos with a dj (the only one of the group with any talent, however marginal) and they call themselves a “band” and get to tour with LCD Soundsystem (who, did i mention, rock!)…sonofabitch, i am so in the wrong line of work.
i do, however, have a spiffy new LCD t-shirt. yay!