that’s the only word i can think of.
for one of the few and rare times ever, i decided to go out for a smoke. because it is unbearably hot inside, so much so that outside is decidedly cooler (so not fair). so i grab my keys, smokes & lighter and out i go to enjoy the fresh air and have a leisurely smoke.
and get hit on.
some dude visiting friends in our building, apparently. visiting just long enough that creepily he knows which apt. is ours. “you’re the hogwarts, right?” um…
long story short, i made polite conversation as long as i could whilst simultaneously trying to smoke as quickly as possible. which, unfortunately, was the inverse of why i went out there in the first place.
also, who in their right mind hits on a girl who’s all sweaty & wearin’ troll/lounge around the house clothes with her hair stickin’ up in all random directions?
i think humidity is frying people’s brains. god knows it’s trying to melt mine.