i just spent the last fucking hour and a half on my hands and knees scrubbing the carpet like a mad woman. vaccuming. sweeping. soaking and wringing and rinsing and cursing. working over the rug with a sponge like my life depended on it. and you know what the worst part is?
i don’t think it made a lick of difference.
i soaked the stains. i sprayed. i scrubbed. i’ve cracked windows all over the apartment in the paltry hopes that maybe it will air out a bit.
but still…the filth remains.
you’d think fucking r. kelly lives here.
i hate this.
Simple prescription-
Baking soda, tonic, and salt.
Make a paste and apply to stain.
Liquor and soda-
Add to ice and drink. Repeat. Pass out.
Scrape paste off floor in the morning. Should work. Worked when a dead rat (or perhaps dead squirrel) was trapped in carpeted room over one-week period.