from the ep. 219 podcast:
ron moore: …the finale is a risk. we are placing a large bet on the finale. and i’ll tell you right now i pushed for it, it was my idea, i stand by it — but it is a risk. we are betting a lot on the finale, where it’s going. and some of you are gonna hate it.
moore’s wife: i reaaaallly hated it. i was mad at him for about 24 hours.
moore: and then?
wife: and…and….it took me about two weeks of thinking about it, and i really, really like it.
moore: but it’s gonna, it’s a doozy [wife background talking]…it’s gonna throw you. but, it’s…it changes a lot of things about the show. it’s going to send us in some interesting directions into the third season, certainly. and i think it’s the kind of thing you have to do on this show. this show is about risk, this show is about not playing it safe, not doing things because that’s the way it’s done in television and particularly in science fiction. and next week we really hang it out there, man; we really, like, go out on a limb and say ‘you know what? we’re just gonna do something here.’ because there are a lot of logical reasons to do it, that make sense in the storyline — that we’ll get into next week. ultimately it was just, it was time to throw a hard six, baby. [chuckle]
i am totally fucking afraid.
Ron Moore is the spawn of satan.
you realize after bsg, you are going to have to check out DS9. In fact, it might be a good filler until season 3 is back up.