there’s a sort of state of flux at job #2 right now. main IT wench has effectively “left the building” and that leaves us in an awkward position as a company. on the one hand, she has been effectively dicking us over since like, i started working here & way before. and we’ve been hosed by this time and time again. on the other hand, she has called in sick almost every day since december and health-wise isn’t doin’ too hot. and to top it off, personally, she is a very nice person that i like, and i sincerely do hope that she’s going to be ok. but on yet another hand, there’s the consistent dicking and hosings and tight/illogical reign of control/withholding of information that has been so unfortunate i really feel we’ll be far, far better off without her. and i’m not alone in that assessment.
and while my initial reaction was: ‘oh we are so fucked.’ right now i’m thinking, ‘it’s for the best.’
because really, it is. purchasing and equipment acquisition can be coordinated, regulated and given some sort of fucking order that makes sense, oh, and above all it can actually take place. no more of this begging for a mouse, or software or cables or something for months and months on end with no reply. inventories and system status can be managed more effectively. a whole slew of things can be improved upon, really…and i think a lot of beneficial cost-cutting measures can be implemented.
mine :