haha haha ha-ha!!! i don’t have to makeout with the midget now.
and why don’t i have to make out with the illustrious midget? aside from the fact that she doesn’t have a cock (to the best of my knowledge…), last night was CD madness. i had a fuckload of CDs to dump onto the good ol’ ipod and another fuckload of CDs to burn/get ready for people that i’ve just been too exhausted/frazzled to deal with lately. i was home at a semi-decent hour last night, and thus this all was accomplished accordingly.
furthermore, my new massive attack is awesome, so awesome. and i don’t care what anyone says, i fucking like the yeah yeah yeahs, and i fucking like they’re new album as well — which i now own, btw. it’s kinda peppy, a little more rockin’ than their last one, though i’m not entirely certain which one i prefer out of the two. and ultimately, my favorite YYY song is “art star”, which isn’t off of either album; but rather, their EP. EPs sometimes have some really awesome tracks on them, like the she wants revenge EP, for example. so yes, the past 24 hours or so have been wrought with happiful music indulgences and i’ve managed to make some people happy with various CDs — or in the midget’s case, i shall in the near future.
i am also kind of seriously digging seu jorge right now. it’s like bowie, but foreign bowie (literally) and it’s very mellow. big props to L at work for givin’ me a copy of it.