my tuesday is in an awful disguise. it started feeling like a wretched monday pretty early on this morning. this is not a good thing. in fact, the only thing worse than having to go to work at the end of a totally spiffy long weekend is: having to go to work at the end of a totally spiffy long weekend and starting off the work week crappily. uber-crappily. or rather, pissily.
or you know, trying to get ready in the morning and stepping in a patch of still-soggy cat pee. yum yum! that’s fucking exactly what i needed, clearly. leave it to the fat one to fuck up my day from the get-go. really, seriously, i truly hate that thing with an all-consuming rage. hate hate hate hate hate. so.fucking.much.
so much burning, fiery, stabby hate.
that sonofabitch has fucking two litterboxes to chose from – disgusting! – and still can’t be bothered to drag his fat, filthy ass into them to pee. jesus fucking christ on a bike! it’s so god damned disgusting.
as if the apartment wasn’t enough of a revolting mess. which, after some calculating…i think if i start cleaning now it might not be so embarrassingly, disgustingly, horrifyingly messy by august. that way when the gravy is here i won’t be devoured by shame at the sight of my filthy, filthy apartment. *maybe*…if i start now.
then again, that fat fuck is probably going to pee all over everything he can get his filthy, stupid paws on while we’re gone.
he’s done it before. and he’s just worthless enough to do it again.
however, if he does…and i happen to mis-light a firework up his ass, no great loss.
so yeah, short week = full week of work crammed into 4 days instead of 5 & stepping in pee first thing in the morning does not make it go any better.
i’m going to go stab things now…